domingo, 21 de março de 2010

Resposta da Igreja Católica aos casos de Pedofilia

Sabe com a igreja católica tem respondido aos casos de pedofilia? Vejams abaixo.

1. Na revista Time: dizendo que isso é culpa de um plano para destruir a Igreja. É sério, veja a declaração:
"They want to involve the Pope at all costs," he tells TIME. "It's a desire to destroy the church, and this is an operation that has been well planned. They don't like the church's teachings on moral questions and sexuality, and this is how they think they can strike."
Who "they" are is uncertain. Like conspiracy theorists of every stripe, the Vatican doesn't name its enemies.

Materia completa:,9171,1973213,00.html#ixzz0iowGMujz
2. Na Economist: dizendo que isso "acontece em qualquer lugar". Estranho para uma instituição que se diz representante de Deus na terra, não? Veja trecho abaixo:
The papal spokesman has hinted at an anti-Catholic plot and complained that the church is being unfairly treated because paedophiles are at least as common in other walks of life. That sits oddly with the Church’s claim to represent God on earth and with the trust and respect it expects from the faithful, particularly from children

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